Feb 16Liked by Emily Hancock

First, after reading this yesterday I cleaned out my fridge, some of the junk drawers (plural) and tried out the self clean setting on my new oven, so thanks for that inspiration! We have 8 people living in a smaller 3 bedroom house and it just always feels like there’s too much stuff, so I think purging things is my biggest tangible roadblock to spaciousness. I get especially overwhelmed by having a lot of books and homeschool stuff that I don’t utilize- it’s like they’re always at the back of my mind making me feel guilty for not playing more games or doing more art! This post also reminded me that I made a goal this year to go through the kids baby things and put together a memory box for each (which will entail getting rid of many sweet clothes), and to begin going through the many years of digital photos just hanging out in the cloud and print my favorites for each year. You’re right though- there is such a big emotional aspect to being able to feel spaciousness. A lot of it for me is about letting go of expectations for myself so that I can have the space to connect and be creative, because those junk drawers are honestly not going anywhere.

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Feb 14Liked by Emily Hancock

Yes yes, weepy pile of mush with every clothes clean-out.

Beekman 1802 is the literal best. We also love Raffi's "Listen to the Horses" song <3

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Feb 16Liked by Emily Hancock

Those books look beautiful! I just did my first clothes clean out for my baby ( 3 months old ) and I was a weepy pile of mush & now am expecting that going forward. I am saving all those clothes for now in case we have another one but it’s so so sad to see the newborn stuff get put up. I too have a collection of gunni sacks dresses that I’ve been saving. I don’t think I’ll ever be a size 2 or 4 again, nor do I want to be honestly, but they are very hard to part with. I’ve kept a couple in case I have a little girl, but I just gave the others for a girlfriend to sell for me on her vintage site. We just got done remodeling an old 1930s home here in north Florida, we don’t have a lot of storage and I love all things vintage. So does my husband. We moved into our new home literally the day before I had our baby and when I was packing the month before I had a big realization. All these things that I was keeping of my mothers have memories of her, but ultimately they aren’t her, and that really helped me let them go along with other things I had been holding onto! Now, I think I’ll go clean my fridge up a bit!

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Feb 15Liked by Emily Hancock

Parallel lives... I too need to clean the oven, clean the fridge, pick up tiny toys under the hutch, size up kid clothes AND I need a new face moisturizer!

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That’s all I have the capacity to comment at the moment (too many ignored tasks weighing me down lolll)

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Feb 15Liked by Emily Hancock

I think I restacked about 18 quotes from this piece. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The perspective on emotional baggage around chores (feelings of failure, sentimentality, fertility, etc) was particularly helpful--as is the promise of emotional and physical spaciousness on the other side! I'm hoping to get some good home maintenance routines down as part of my Lenten observance (greater fidelity to the duties of my vocation, amirite?) and this has given me a lot to think about.

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Feb 14Liked by Emily Hancock

Aw. So so relatable.

The stress of putting off and the relief of doing and feeling capable!

On another topic, is the Louise Perry book club happening? ❤️

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Feb 14Liked by Emily Hancock

This was encouraging to read. Neglected things really do pile up I have found. Things like you have described, fridge, clothes. Also more important things.

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Feb 14Liked by Emily Hancock

My list of neglected chores is pretty much the same as yours. I think I’ll go clean my oven this afternoon and maybe mend my husband’s flannel while my daughter plays in the backyard.

I’ve been feeling burdened lately with the piles of clothing and as someone who collects/ sells clothing I’m ready to rid myself of it all. Although much easier said than done especially because I think “oh this is cool! My kids might want this one day”.

I’ve accepted I’ll forever be a slight hoarder but one thats home is filled with things that bring me joy. Something that’s been helping me though is removing any polyester fabrics out of my wardrobe and sticking with those beautiful natural fibers that will last a life time (hopefully 🤞)

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Feb 14Liked by Emily Hancock

i've been avoiding cleaning our the fridge for several weeks......and the pile of clothes grows...

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This reminds me, I gotta clean my oven. Also, I’ve heard great things about her liver pills, so I’ll check them out!

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Feb 16Liked by Emily Hancock

Thank you for your openness and vulnerability on this topic! It makes me feel so much less alone! My list of things is about the same as yours. I’ve been trying to find ways to keep a more orderly home because I want my children to be comfortable in their home. This has me feeling more motivated than ever, thank you💗. Also, very excited to check out the suma domestica!

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I have a pretty good daily routine going, but in the midst of first trimester fatigue it's all falling quite to the wayside. But I think some of it has to do with attitude. I found this post really refreshing and inspiring. Thank you for your work.

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Our older children think I never baked or ever made anything. But I have pictures.

The little ones have a more sympathetic view of me, and there’s always the chance that I can make things when they get older.

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